I run this site as a resource for new and established web designers, developers, marketers and anyone who is interested in publishing, marketing or running a business online. In order to provide this service, I need to find a way to fund this site and the software, apps, scripts and hosting I purchase to sample and review.
To fund this, I place affiliate links in some of the reviews and articles, which if clicked on and purchased, gives me a small affiliate commission at no cost to you. This does not affect my reviews or bias my opinion as in most cases I will have purchased the reviewed item so that I can properly test it. This will not cost you anything or detract from your service in any way. Thank you for supporting me and allowing me to push this project forwards.
Some of the links may be from Amazon as I am part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program meaning I may gain a commission if you click on links and make a purchase.
In future, I may offer to receive products or services for review for a modest fee – this will, of course, be marked as a paid review and will always involve me using the product or service and giving my honest opinion.